Creation Therapy

"Renew Minds and Transforms Lives"

Creation Therapy Course

MRI Creation Therapy Course 

The MRI Creation Therapy Course is a God-Inspired, Established, and Innovative Christian Counseling Technique designed by the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) in the USA.

MRI is a Certified Academic Institution with NCCA with the qualifications and credentials to run Christian Counseling Courses to the PhD level.

Creation Therapy is a Temperament Theory unlike all other measurements of behavior. It measures the inborn temperament with an accuracy rate of 95.7%. The proven validity of this counseling technique, has a proven success rate of 93.4%. This percentile is based on the study of 5000 individuals over seven years by NCCA.

The Creation Therapy Course is the pre-requisite for all our counseling courses.


To Teach Faith-based perspective on human behavior and how God’s plan works when understood and applied in our lives.

Provide the student with the biblical, historic and scientific background of the theory of temperament, and to provide evidence of the validity of this theory and counseling technique.

Teach the student the general behavior patterns of each temperament, how it affects every aspect of all our lives, and how to use this information to assist the counselee/work.

Introduce the student to the test called “Temperament Analysis Profile” aka Arno Profile System (APS)

Provide the student with a credible alternative to the counseling techniques currently available to the Christian community.

Teach the student how to counsel/teach others and how to assist them in achieving long-term emotional and spiritual well-being.


  • Ability to know who you are, your strength, your weakness and your need, and what to do to have peace from within and a health balance life
  • Ability to know how to resolve personal and professional relationship conflicts using a proven faith-based model
  • Education at a lower cost
  • Flexible program to fit your schedule
  • Free Personal APS Report and Feedback
  • Free SACC First Year Application and Membership
  • Ability to administer this tool in your current profession
  • Opportunity to get counseling Training to the PhD level at will.
  • Ability to counsel others.
  • Ability to have Counseling Career
  • Opportunity to travel to the USA for your graduation upon completion of first Degree, Masters or PhD.

Who can take the course?

  • Pastoral and Professional Counselors
  • Occupational and Physical Therapists
  • School Guidance and Counselors
  • Human Resource Managers
  • Business Owners
  • Pastoral Care, Sr. Pastors and Christian workers
  • Humanitarian Workers
  • Anyone who interacts with people and has a desire to improve their ability to communicate effectively

Payment Plan African Students

  • $250.00 (before Class Starts)
  • $100.00 (After 1 Month of Class)
  • $100.00 (After 2 Months of Class

Payment Plan USA Students

  • $275.00 (before Class Starts)
  • $200.00 (After 1 Month of Class)
  • $200.00 (After 2 Months of Class

Classes Start

Call: 720 767 6529 | 732 236 0876 for USA

Call: 0249748729 | 0209669664 for Africa

Or email:

Course Delivery Method

  • Classroom with Instructor Facilitation.
  • Self-Study with Remote Support. 
  • Online and Self-study option only available for US and continuing students.


Must be Eighteen Years has ability to read and write English

Course Duration

Three Months @ 2 hours a week on Saturdays from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm.

Class Location for Africa

Narh-Bita College, Community 4, Tema, Ghana West Africa

Class Location for USA

Online and Self Study

NOTE: Classes can also be taken on Church/Organization premises with a minimum of ten student

Course Fees

MRI is a non-profit and non-governmental faith base Organization. Our goal is to raise funds to subsidize our counseling training. Our African students get 50% off the total cost and our USA students get 25% off the total cost.




Tuition Fees


Text Book


SACC First Year Application and Membership Fee


Personal APS Report and Feedback


5 APS Report @$30.00


Total Cost of Course

50% off; African Students 

25% 0ff; USA Students 


